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How to Paint on Glass

Neha Joshi
If you are wondering how to paint on glass windows, ornaments and also make some unique glass paintings, you've reached the right place. Continue reading to learn how you can paint on glass effortlessly, in simple steps.
"I am never going to have anything more to do with politics or politicians. When this war is over I shall confine myself entirely to writing and painting." ~ Winston Churchill
How many of us have seen hand painted wine glasses and jars and thought, 'I wanna do that someday'. Well, the time is now. Let's see how to paint on glass with acrylic paint and make some acrylic paintings.
Using these simple and easy steps, you can also learn how to paint on windows, ornaments, jars and the sort. Painting on glass isn't any different from painting on paper, just a little more complex in terms of concentration. Let us now proceed to the steps involved in painting on glass and see some glass painting techniques.
Here, we shall see how to paint on a glass sheet. The same procedure applies to painting on glass windows and ornaments.

Materials You Will Need

● Sheet of Glass (any size)
● Acrylic Paint Colors
● Paint Brushes (2-3 sizes)
● Glass Liners
● Nail Paint Remover
● Cloth with Soft Texture

Procedure You Need to Follow

Step 1: The Pattern
● The first thing you need to do is choose a pattern for your glass painting. Choose glass painting patterns that are not too intricate and don't have many overlapping and complex curves. This will help you paint faster and better. Mosaic designs and patterns look really nice on glass paintings.
● Draw this design on a piece of plain paper. This piece of paper should be the same size as your glass sheet. Leaving borders may prove to be more helpful. Draw the design clearly and boldly.
● Now, keep this paper below your glass sheet. Looking at the design below, draw the same outline on the glass sheet using glass liners. These glass liners have to be black, preferably or white.
Step 2: The Base
● When you are drawing the designs on the glass sheet, see to it that you press the tube from the bottom. This will help you in not smudging the painting. It will make sure that the lines come out finer. Hold the same grip throughout.
● Just in case the liner does get smudged, take some nail paint remover on a cloth and clean it slowly, with a light hand. After you have cleaned the smudged part, clean it again with a clean 'dry' cloth this time.
● Now, you are done with the outlining completely. Check if anything needs to be redone or done better. After this, stop for sometime and let the liners dry. Ideally, you should be leaving it to dry for at least 2-3 hours.
Step 3: The Colors
● Now that you are done with the outlining completely, start applying the colors. Make sure the consistency of these colors is equal for all and it easy to spread in one go. Use many colors for the painting, if you're a beginner.
● Start painting in one direction. For example, if your painting strokes are from left to right, then make sure they remain like that for the entire painting. This will give uniformity to your painting. Don't take too much paint at a time on the brush.
● Another glass painting idea is to lift the painting now and then and check. After every few parts, lift the glass and see how the painting looks. This periodical lifting will help you to realize if you need to make any immediate changes. Also, don't tilt the glass as that will lead to dripping. Apply equal coats for the entire painting.
Now that you know how to paint on glass, start practicing soon. We have told you how to paint, and have also given you some glass painting tips. Once you get the hang of it, you can use thicker paints.
If you are wondering how to paint on ornaments, it's the same procedure. Only this time, you'll have to directly draw the design on the ornament. Start making those beautiful glass paintings soon. Best of Luck!