Prove Your Art With This Mind-blowing Mandala Art Quiz
Priyanka Wadhwani
Not only a geometric design but also a great deal of symbolism in Hindu and Buddhist cultures, Mandalas are beautiful, soothing, sacred and much more. Do you think you know all about these? Come let’s see!!
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Art Attack
A mandala, is a Sanskrit word for “circle” or “discoid object,” which in Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism, is a symbolic diagram used in the performance of sacred rites and as an instrument of meditation.
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Radial symmetry means all the sections radiate from the central point & are made up of exactly similar parts. Mandalas follow the radial symmetry from the central point i.e. a symmetrical design that radiates outwards.
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Several art therapists have described the usefulness of mandalas for reducing anxiety, as well as for increased self-awareness.
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Mandalas are used as a spiritual guidance tool that act as an aid to meditation and trance induction. Because of its symmetrical shape, our attention is immediately directed to the centre.
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The mandala is a sacred design common in many Indian religions; it represents at its most basic the focus on understanding reality in terms of unified wholes.
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After the completion of the Mandala ceremony, the monks destroy the mandala because of the underlying message, “nothing is permanent.”
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Art Attack
Mandalas were created in the service of one of the world's great religions, Buddhism.
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The term Mandala in Hinduism corresponds to a 41-day long period.
Art Attack
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Art Attack
There are three main types of Mandalas, namely Teaching, Healing and Sand Mandala.
Artified by this quiz? We hope you have enjoyed this beautiful way of art and culture. Hurry up and check your scores!!