Are you a hardcore Aboriginal Art lover? Let’s play this quiz to assess your knowledge.
Meenakshi Sutar
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Aboriginal Art was created by Australian people as a visual communication medium of storytelling. It involves painting on leaves, wood carving, rock carving, sculpting, ceremonial clothing and sand painting.
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The Aboriginal Art, also known as dot painting, is characterized by symbols or icons that represent the culture of indigenous Australian people. Hence, iconography forms the basic feature of the Aboriginal Art.
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Aboriginal Art was discovered 60000 to 80000 years ago by indigenous Australian people. They conveyed their cultural stories through generations with the artwork.
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It was in early 1970s when the Aboriginal Dot paintings on canvas got popular. It got into light by a white art school teacher, Geoffrey Bardon while working together with the Aboriginal people.
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The Aboriginal Art used to tell stories from Dreamtime. The Dreamtime represents the period in which life was created.
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Albert Namatjira is the most famous modern Aboriginal artist from central Australia. He is considered the founder of contemporary Indigenous Australian art.
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Black, Red, Yellow and White are the sacred aboriginal colors. Black represents the earth. Red represents fire, energy and blood. Whereas the Yellow represents water and White represents the sky and stars.
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Only the Indigenous Aboriginal artists who belong to the tribe have the authority to create the Aboriginal Art. The artist needs permission before painting a story that contains secret or sacred information.
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It was the 20th century when Aboriginal art was recognized as the most stirring contemporary art form after it got introduced on canvas in 1971.
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Styles of the Aboriginal art are based on regional community where it was produced. So, the styles differ according to different regional traditions.
Cross-hatching, X-ray art, Dot painting, Bush medicine leaves, and Bradshaw Art are some of the styles.
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The earliest and oldest paintings by Aboriginal artists were found on rocks. They mainly involved symbols to convey the message about human’s connection to the land.