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Triadic Color Schemes

Aastha Dogra
A triadic color scheme offers the right amount of everything, be it contrast, color, richness, or harmony. Let's read in detail about these color combinations.
To understand a triadic color scheme, the color wheel has to be fully understood, first. A color wheel is a tool that is used by people who wish to come up with the perfect color combinations.
Colors that go well together are those that look well coordinated and appeal both to the eye, as well as the mind. Let us understand the concept of the color wheel, before moving on to know what are triadic colors.

Color Wheel

A color wheel is made up of three kinds of colors, namely, primary, secondary, and tertiary.
Primary colors are those which cannot be created from other colors, such as red, yellow, and blue. Secondary colors are those which are created by mixing two primary colors, such as orange, made by mixing red and yellow; violet, made by mixing blue and red; or green, made by mixing yellow and blue.
Tertiary colors are those that are created by mixing primary and secondary colors, such as yellow-orange, red-violet, blue-green, blue-violet, yellow-green, and so on.

Triadic Color Schemes

Besides these, there are a number of other color schemes, as well, such as monochromatic, complementary, analogous, split-complementary, contrast, double contrast, and tetradic. All these color schemes are created by combining colors belonging to the three color groups from which a color wheel is made: Primary, secondary, and tertiary.
A triadic color scheme is created by using three colors that are spaced out equally on the color wheel. Some examples are red, blue, and yellow, made from primary colors. Orange, violet, and green, made from secondary colors. Orange-red, green-yellow, and blue-violet, made from tertiary colors.
This color scheme provides the right visual contrast, yet maintains a kind of harmony, making the color combination look good and unique.
Although they do not provide as much contrast as a complementary color scheme would, it still retains balance, making the colors look rich. That is why we see many interior designers and wedding planners these days experimenting with tricolored triadic schemes.
To get the right visual effect, one of the colors should be used extensively, while the other two should be used only as highlights. Another way to use triadic color schemes creatively is to use colors in accordance to their natural values.
For example, in a green-orange-violet combination, violet should be used to paint dark things, green for mid-tones, and orange, for highlighting. If the color combination looks gaudy or over-the-top by any chance, then subduing the colors a little bit will do the trick.
Triadic color schemes are the perfect choice for people looking for a well-balanced and harmonious contrast. If this is what you like, too, then go ahead and use this color scheme while designing your wardrobe or painting your house, or even when planning a wedding.